Monday, February 20, 2012

How much does a dent on a 2004 BMW cost to repair?

Last night I got side swept by a car that drove off. It's a minor door dent and a little bit of metal damage to the back door. How much would something like this cost to repair?How much does a dent on a 2004 BMW cost to repair?Not enough info to give a quote on, some dents can be pulled out, others are a panel beating job and the problem is the repair will need painting and matching the paint on a 7 year old car is a job for a professional paint shop. It will not be a fortune but i can guarantee it will cost more than you are expecting.How much does a dent on a 2004 BMW cost to repair?try posting on the new site called bidfix, it's for people that need something fix (even auto repair), u put what u need done or what the problem is and let people/companies in your area bid on fixing it so u get a good estimate and maybe a cheap fix!How much does a dent on a 2004 BMW cost to repair?That is impossible to answer without at least a photo of the damage. There are too many variables involved. If there is paint work involved it will be a minimum of $400 and that is on the extreme cheap side.
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